Knowledge Transfer for Newcomer: How to Find a Mention in Scrapbox
To find a mention in Scrapbox, follow these steps:
1. First, it's important to note that finding a mention is a local rule set by tkgshn.icon.
2. When you want to react to someone's mention, use the icon-format and mention the person as [tkgshn.icon]. For example, you can mention someone like this: tkgshn.icon. 3. To mention someone, add @ before their name. For instance, @[tkgshn.icon] will mention tkgshn.icon.
4. Additionally, you can easily find a note that has been mentioned to you. To do this, click on the link and navigate to the section labeled "data modified with tkgshn.icon".
5. Once you've clicked on the link, you will see a page like this: Make sure to pay attention to the blue section, as that is the page you need to view.